Kolekcja minerałów K - Z


Przedstawiam kolekcję moich minerałów, szkła wulkanicznego, meteorytów i tektytów. Nie kupuję drogich kamieni, a jedynie takie, na jakie pozwala mi budżet i miejsce w pokoju. STRONA JESZCZE NIE DO KOŃCA PRZETŁUMACZONA Z JĘZ. ANGIELSKIEGO, AKTUALIZACJA WKRÓTCE.
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Kyanite - small 1 side polished - Madagascar, black - Brazil, blue - India 
These are great for aligning subtle bodies if you get too distracted from yourself.

Kunzite - rough - Nigeria/Africa



Labradorite - rough/1 side polished & tumbled - Madagascar 

Lapis lazuli - tumbled & rough - Afghanistan 
I only have the rough lapis now, sold the tumbled one.

Larimar - tumbled - Dominican Republic, Caribbean 
This larimar is a true verification that the Universe wanted me to have it, and that I"m already living on the New Earth where wishes (thoughts) materialize quickly! I was looking up a larimar several times but all of them were expensive, even little pieces due to a rare location as they"re mined in Dominican Republic only. Then I was guided to one of on-line stores on my gem list where I"ve noticed all of their larimar stones were like $10-11 but one was... $1, of the same size and beauty. This meant, the store made a price typo. I couldn"t hesitate any longer and they didn"t resist to sell it eventhough I expected a trouble ;) Larimar is said to be connected to the lost land of Atlantis but I feel no special connection to that place/dimension. However, the stone has a color and patterns of a undeniable, memorable beauty.

Larvikite - tumbled - Norway


Lepidolite - rough - Brazil



Magnesite - rough - Brazil


Magnetite - crystal - USA


Malachite - rough - Kongo/Africa

Iron meteorite - rough - Campo del Cielo 

Morganite - rough - Nigeria/Africa


Moon stone - tumbled - ?


Muscovite - rough - Poland



Nephrite (on the left) - tumbled - Brazil 
Nephrite compared with jade.

Nuummite - tumbled - Greenland

One of the oldest stones here on Earth which is said to be formed over 3 bln years ago. I love its dynamical, groovy vibration which is related to a fiery twister. Not sure if it works with everybody, but we"ve become friends right away as I"m a Fire Dragon. Nuummite wants you to enjoy the physical life, to dance, to move, to transmute energy through the body.



Apache tears - rough - USA

These are naturally rounded, and are also excellent fear and worry removals. If you have one, don"t forget to shine some flashlight at the bottom side of your obsidian to look through it - it"s a translucent and greenish-brownish volcanic glass. The extrnal white inclusions may come from perlite mineral which is often used in gardening, to lessen a soil density for a better air circulation. These volcanic pebbles are natural, and are formed by being ejected from a volcano then cooled down in the atmosphere, thus they hold the energies of both fire and elements. This process is very similar to how tektites were created too (their origins haven"t been proved yet but the most often circulating idea is that they are soil and rocks extremely melt and compressed due to an impact of a heated asteroid or meteorite. The melt mixture was then ejected into the atmosphere, and cooled while falling back onto the Earth"s surface).

mahogany - tumbled and rough - Mexico

Black and red colors were always my favourite yet it took me over a year to decide if I really wanted to spend money on this obsidian. They are cheap and popular too so that wasn"t a problem. But it didn"t pull me. What looks red in pictures online, happens to be brown yet checked several websites and still hadn"t found out what the brown addition stands for and how it was made. Interestingly, everybody feels mahogany obsidian"s vibration differently, ranging between "calming" and "mobilizing" which are polarized attributes! When black obsidians are felt usually in the root chakra area, the mahogany activates the mind and the 3rd eye too as I feel by holding it in my hand. I also feel it as an action "stone" similarly to red jasper which asks

"What do you want? What should we work on now?" Unlike the jasper however, it doesn"t call out for taking the physical action but rather to gather own energy inside and prevent it from being given away too cheaply.

black - rough - Etna volcano, Italy 
This piece of obsidian has quite an explosive energy which is OK during the day when it lays down next to me while I work (I"m of the dragons so I like anything fire, lava, volcano and explosions of energy) but it makes it impossible to sleep if you get an idea to put it under a pillow. One could think that all obsidians work the same with the human energy field as I have a really good sleep with Apache Tears near my bed, but Etna"s obsidian made it impossible to close my eyes and shut the brain down!

black - rough - Mexico 
This rough piece of obsidian brings a thrill because it"s the same volcanic glass which Aztecs, Incas and Mayans were using back then. It"s specifically exciting if you"ve ever felt spiritual, past lives connections with anything related to Mesoamerica, and I have. Obsidian is extremely sharp. Thinking of stories written by Spanish monks as if Aztec shamans were skinning human bodies with knives made of obsidian during rituals, I purposely and very slightly cut my finger with my obsidian to see how easy it was to utilize it as a knife. Hell, yeah, an efficient tool. We should still use them in our kitchens! I then compared it with other rough obsidian glasses I had: a non translucent mahogany, Armenian silver sheen and the Etna"s pieces. I must say the black Mexican obsidian is the sharpest. It"s also much clearer and perhaps even more dense than the one from Italy when viewed under the source of light, a flashlight in this case. There are also rainbow, golden and blue obsidians which I"m planning on buying soon because it"s fun to have so many kinds :)

snowflake - tumbled - US

Snowflake obsidian has a very mild vibration which instantly works with the body to relax muscles and soothe the brain, and its fiery thinking. I specifically like sleeping with this tumbled piece under my pillow since it brings an uninterrupted dreamtime. The grey "snowflakes" are cristobalite crystal patterns which appear due to partial crystallization of the volcanic glass.

silver sheen - rough - Armenia 
This is a beautiful silvery obsidian which is a famous volcanic glass from Armenia, used for jewellery making and appreciated by collectors worldwide too. The sheen is caused by the light reflecting against mineral inclusions in the glass. It"s vibration feels soothing, especially improves the solar plexus imbalances and digestion issues.

Olivine - rough - Brazil

Olivines are quite popular in minerals yet quite expensive too. You will find them in volcanic bombs as well as in meteorites called pallasites (polished slices are the most sought by collectors worldwide).

Onyx black - tumbled - Brazil

Onyx is a variety of agate (chalcedony) and it captures attention at once, especially if you love a deep, shiny black color, though they can appear also in other colors, dyed and naturally banded. I"ve read a lot about metaphysical attributes of the black onyx and some, such as protection and onyx" influence on the lower chakras are unquestionable. However, there"s more related to the upper chakras too. Onyx is a "Saturnian" stone and depending on your galactic connections, may offer more opportunities than you suspect. It"s enough to massage your 3rd eye then leave the stone there for a few minutes there, making yourself calm and quiet, working best especially before falling asleep. Onyx allows for getting deep into the time-space, astral travelling and navigating timelines. It helps connecting two or more divine/angelic individuals who have met in this lifetime, and have the same vibration. The same applies to re-connecting with your galactic tribe, whether they are Pleiadians, Draconians, Orionis, Sirians or any other, you know who you are ;) Finally, I"ve a sensation that the black onyx is a Watcher, a black eye, who tracks your every move and is ready to react whenever you need it, and fast!

dendrite - yellow tumbled - Czech, white rough - Turkey text

Andean (pink) - rough - Peru Opal doesn"t create any crystalline form. Its vibration is usualy direct, focused on a specific chakra in the body, depending on your personal energy flow, and blockages. Vibration of both opals I own concentrate on the solar plexus and issues related to this chakra, mostly metabolical such as improving digestion, increasing appetite etc.

girasol - rough - Madagascar

Opal girasol is a variety of quartz with a milky, opalized, pearly color.

orange - rough - Namibia, Africa


yellow - rough - Tanzania 


Petrified wood - polished - location?


Pietersite - tumbled - Africa 

Potassium salt/Sylvinite - rough - Poland


Prehnite - tumbled - Africa


Purpurite - rough - Africa 
Purpurite is much more interesting thanks to their look rather than any influencial vibration, but it"s my personal opinion. I have had that stone for more than a few months and still haven"t made any meaningful connection with its vibration, similarily to that of galaxite.

Pyrite - rough - Peru



Quartz crystal - rough - Brazil
The 2nd picture shows a rarity - a crystal which grew around the other so its top is inside. I bought it cheaply because the seller didn"t notice it was in his stock, otherwise he said he would have sold it as a rare crystal ;)

Quartz smoky/morion - rough brown from Ukraine, the black one is from Brazil. 

Quartz pink (merkaba-shaped and tumbled, location unknown) and rough from Brazil  

Quartz strawberry with hematite - rough - Tanzania 

Quartz with rutile and hematite - rough - Brazil 
This is my best friend if I want to research and study. It makes the brain collect and process information without rushing. Hematite makes the energy grounded as well.

Quartz with black tourmaline - rough - Brazil and tumbled



Rhodonite - tumbled - Russia


Ruby - crystal - Tanzania

Ruby is a red variety of corundum, one of the hardest minerals on Earth. Sapphire is its blue variety. When I bought this one online, I was more about the price and size than the actual look but when I got it, I"ve noticed there are triangles on its surface, which was not visible in the shop"s photo. I then learnt that these triangles are called "record keepers" which have many uses. My first impression with the ruby was that it was dead. I mean we needed several days to finally get together well and so I could hold it and say that I feel its vibration. Then it reflected these attributes which I"ve had since I was a galactic being, a Draconian. Ruby read in my like in an open book and it felt very supportive to what it found out about me ;) So whether it was Akashic records reading or reading from my actual aura, ruby is a stone which brings back your true identity, that of who you always have been, not that little human whom you were squeezed into.


Salt - rough - Poland


Sapphire - crystal - India
This is a crystal of one of the hardest minerals on Earth, corundum; blue are called sapphires, red are rubies. Sapphire was the last stone on my "buy list" since they are usually small yet expensive, even those rough unpolished pieces. But I"ve my favorite seller (who apparently has a little expensive exporter) and who finally started selling blue corundum crystals at very affordable prices. Obviously they may be well dyed or heated rubies or enhanced corundum crystals but it won"t hurt to have one because it just doesn"t look and feel fake. Yet when I saw this one piece with triangles on its surface, I begged the seller to reserve it for me since it was one of many in a random group. Then they told me they had to browse 500 sapphires to find this one as they threw it into a box together with others after taking promo pictures. Thanks to them I now have two corundum crystals with triangles on them. Interestingly, triangles were used in alchemy to indicate fire and water elements and yet ruby is red, and sapphire is blue, thus I can use them as a balancing duo. That"s how they feel in the body when held together - equalizing left and right sides of the body, the feminine with the masculine, and are specifically felt in the brain hemispheres. The energy of ruby and sapphire together feels like a zig-zag moving along the body!

Selenite (gypsum) Fibrous gypsum?


Seftonite - tumbled - Africa

African bloodstone.

Septarian - tumbled - Madagascar, and 1 side polished nodule from Morocco  
They are very old stones, mined in Madagascar, and southern Utah, created around 50 to 70 million years ago due to volcanic eruptions which basically killed sea life which then sedimented, thus the septarian is partly of the organic nature. They grow in geodes and are multi-purpose stones in terms of their healing properties. There are two types of septarian stone you can find - with yellow calcite, brown aragonite and grey limestone inclusions and the other is dark with white octopus-like arms inside. The former is usually sold tumbled (balls, eggs, "soaps") or as nodules - tumbled outside and rough inside to show its sparkling core. The latter (mostly found in Morocco) is cut in half and sold either together as 2 halves of a geode or seperately with the inner side polished to show eye-catching patterns. The yellow/grey septarian is a great balancer for both the mind and body, thoughts, reactions and emotions, a flow of energy in the upper and lower parts of the body. If you feel fixated over something and need to detach for your own sanity, hold a septarian. It opens the crown chakra channels to let higher vibrational beings connect with you and "repair" your malfunctioning mind energy. It makes the lips speak only positive messages. It seals leaks (felt as anxiety) and distributes evenly an excess of energy to exploited meridians and chakras. Septarian is a love stone too, recommended to those folks who were hurt and had become too defensive, also past life warriors, knights, soldiers, who had to hide their empathy and feelings behind a shield etc. Septarian softens blockages, removes unnecessary suspictions, unlocks said "armor" and specifically lets receive from any source of love - a partner, the Universe, Gaia etc. It"s also great for healing cramps, soft grounding, opening and easing the root chakra tension, balancing yin/yang energies in the body, clearing the mind, and gently rising vibration to make one feel good with the self. Thus it makes it a good stone for self-love, but also concentration, studying and having an appreciation for the true art. Finally, the septarian feels like a sacred stone of wisdom to respect because it brings answers from your higher mind, if you ask them. It"s called a "dragon stone" but considering a dragon attribute had been overused for all kinds of marketing related activity, you"ll find many other "dragon" stones out there too.

Serpentine - rough - Brazil


Serpentinite - rough - Peru

This stone carries quite a sexual energy but it works slowly too.

Shattuckite - rough - Madagascar

When I first took this stone into my hand, I suddently received a picture in my 3rd eye. It showed a blurry image of.... ETs with big black eyes, so called Greys. I liked the blue color so I bought it and got home. Then I studied and it turned out that the stone is indeed assigned to... communication with aliens!

Shiva lingam - tumbled - black and regular - India

Shungite - rough - Russia 

Sodalite - tumbled & rough - Brazil  
Rough sodalite looks much darker than dry. They are very responsive stones, amazing for time travelling, jumping through timelines, contacting with beings from other dimensions, and astral travelling overall. Therefore, working with a sodalite should be accompanied by holding a grounding and protective stones such as tourmaline, jasper kambaba or black onyx since unwanted energies can glue to you while leaving the 3D reality.

Spinel - rough - Madagascar

These are red spinel crystals in a white matrix rock.

Sphalerite - 1 side polished - Poland


Stilbite - rough - India

Extremelly soothing, calming, both the mind, body and soul.

Stilbite with apophyllite (zeolite) - rough - India 

Stromatolite - tumbled - Bolivia 

Sulphur - rough - Italy


Sun stone rough - Brazil

Very heavy, stubborn, doesn"t want to give its vibration easily.




Tanzanite - rough - Tanzania



Thailandite rough - Thailand  

Moldavite - rough - Czech

Moldavite has a "sucking effect" on our vibrational field. At least it was my first impression when I first touched it. It pushes all bottom energy up.

Indochinite - rough - Indonesia 

Tiger's eye - tumbled - Africa 

Titanomagnetite with ilmenite - rough - Poland 
It"s a stone which will be liked by everybody with masculine energy because it"s brings a feel of an armor or weapon. Its chemical composition includes titanium, iron and oxygent, a true nature"s warrior :) Very grounding, just as much as hematite.

Topaz - a

yellow polished slice from Brazil, and rough

sherry topaz from US  

Tourmaline - rough black and red (rubelite) - Africa & Brazil respectively  
Tourmaline is a number one stone if you need to ground strongly. It balances energy in the body and pulls it down with connection to Gaia and brings focus on the mind. Wearing or using tourmaline too often may make you feel little active therefore it"s good to clean it from time to time and recharge in the direct sunshine for a few minutes. Tourmaline doesn"t store the excess of energy but transmutes it. Spiritual people and empaths who soak energies like a sponge become prone to carry and store too much of others" energies which is obviously unhealthy as they/we loose the self-integrity. Other grounding stones are those usually heavy too, like an ilmenite, jasper kambaba, or dolomite.

Turquoise - rough - China 


Vanadite on barite - rough - Morocco

This is one more beauty from Morocco and a stone of a strong vibration too, just like a septarian nodule.


Zoisite - rough - Tanzania

Zoisite is often found with inclusions of ruby. Its vibration is fast working and cheerful.

Zircon - red, rough - Tanzania 
Red zircon attracts a lot, yet it"s radioactive as it contains uranium and thorium. I mean, a little tumbled/polished beauty won"t kill you (just don"t digest it), but if you could live as long as 250k years, you would see it fall apart after that time ;) Zircon is a memory stone, just as ruby, but for different reasons. Zircon can survive geologic processes (erosion, transport, high-grade metamorphism), thus they contain a rich and varied record of geological processes and are used for radiometric dating. Zircons were mentioned in the Bible, named as hyacinth and jacinth. They have a super vibrant energy, almost like agate-carneol but more direct.

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