Przedstawiam kolekcję moich minerałów, szkła wulkanicznego, meteorytów i tektytów. Nie kupuję drogich kamieni, a jedynie takie, na jakie pozwala mi budżet i miejsce w pokoju. STRONA JESZCZE NIE DO KOŃCA PRZETŁUMACZONA Z JĘZ. ANGIELSKIEGO, AKTUALIZACJA WKRÓTCE.JESZCZE BRAK > Zobacz drugą część: KOLEKCJA od K do Z
Agat - plaster Brazylia, surowy MaliAgat "turritella" (po lewej) - bębnowany - USA
"Turritella", to skała, zazwyczaj chalcedonowa (najlepsze do bębnowania), która zawiera skorupki małego ślimaka Elimia tenera - zamieszkiwał on eoceńskie jeziora. Nazwa minerału jest także niepoprawna, bo gatunek Turritella wygląda tylko nieco podobnie. Ma znaczenie dekoracyjne, bo przycięte i wypolerowane elementy wyglądają jak złożona fotografia lub namalowany obraz. Specjaliści od duchowości twierdzą, że 'turritella' jest dobrym kamieniem do uziemiania, wzmacniania energii przetrwania i wszystkiego, co łączy się z aktywnością czakry podstawy w ludzkim ciele. Pozwala także na kontakt i leczenie przeszłych wcieleń, gromadzeniem wiedzy z czasów archaicznych, ale i podobno wzmacnia kości.
Agat laguna (albo "szalona koronka") - surowy - Meksyk
Ten rodzaj agatu ma wiele nazw (kupiłam jako 'agat mózgowy') z powodu swojego bardzo artystycznego wyglądu i wielu warstw, jakkolwiek bardziej przypomina jaspis niż agat. Jest dosyć lekki, łamliwy przy upadku. Odczuwam w nim energię oderwania, wyrównania czakry korony i 3-ciego oka ze splotem słonecznym i czakrą podstawy - ochładza i uspokaja umysł łącząc go z ciałem fizycznym. Ma także wpływ na czakrę serca - otwiera ją, abyśmy mogli otrzymywać wszystko, co jest związane z pasją i pozytywnymi uczuciami. Można sobie wyobrazić paski agatu jako warstwy wokół naszego ciała, czyli ciało astralne, emocjonalne i inne, niewidzialne dla oka.
Agat botswana - bębnowany - Afryka
Te agaty wydobywane w Afryce nie potrzebują zabiegów farbowania, bo same w sobie mają piękne wzory, odcienie, czasem koła i kropki, a także wyróżniające się paskowanie, która często daje efekt trójwymiarowości, kiedy popatrzymy głęboko w kamień. Duchowo daje uczucie ekspansji, poszerzenia, jak gdyby od źródła na zewnątrz i w górę, co pozwala nam zobaczyć większy obrazek zbudowany z mniejszych elementów (warstw) i zrozumieć problem, sprawę, jaka nie daje nam spokoju. Pomaga w rozwoju świadomości, ambicji, otwierania się, wyzwalanie się z czegoś. Dobrze wpasowuje się w ideę New Age tzw. I AM (Jestem, Istnieję, czyli zgrupowanie wersji jednej istoty w wielo-świecie i na wielu ścieżkach czasowych jako jedności; to wersje Ja, które są zarządzane przez oryginalną, najwyższą, najbardziej doskonałą wersję Ja - istotę, i która organizuje im cele, doświadczenia, ścieżkę do mistrzostwa), a także reinkarnacji i Wzrostu. Energia wolno-działająca, wymaga cierpliwości.
Agat mszysty - bębnowany - Indie, surowy Chiny

Zielone wrostki nie są niczym organicznym w tym agacie. To inkluzje chlorytu, hornblendy, a czarne, to tlenki żelazowe i manganowe. Więcej o energii agatu mszystego znajdziesz w Bransoletki.
Agat karneol - bębnowany - Brazylia
Agat mszysty - bębnowany - Indie, surowy Chiny
Zielone wrostki nie są niczym organicznym w tym agacie. To inkluzje chlorytu, hornblendy, a czarne, to tlenki żelazowe i manganowe. Więcej o energii agatu mszystego znajdziesz w Bransoletki.
Agat karneol - bębnowany - Brazylia
Carnelian is a orange-red chalcedony (agat) so you can also find it under names such as agat carnelian or just the carnelian. The latter has a "meaty" look. As much as tourmaline, the carnelian belongs to fast-working minerals, it"s enough that you touch it to feel how its energy flows thsurowy your body. Its an ancient and famous healer as much as said tourmaline, and also malachite, nephrite, calcites and Jaspiss. Carnelian may rise blood pressure so it"s a great stone for all those who can"t get up from bed in the morning. It makes wonders if your digestion slows down, just hold in in a hand or put next to you for an hour. It also stimulates creativity, courage, action, reaction, anything physical, and is also said to help sexuality, as much as garnet. Its energy lets you focus on yourself rather than sharing it with others. Last, but not least, if you like keeping gems under your pillow, don"t put carnelian there. It simply won"t let you fall asleep at all, making your brain & senses alerted!
Ametyst - surowy/druza i szewron bębnowany - location of the one in picture unknown, but others were mined in Szklarska Poręba. Others are from Brazylia and Afryka. Chakras - 3rd eye, crown.
When I was around 13 y.o., we drove with my parents to Szklarska Poręba in western Poland which is located in a mountain area rich in valuable minerals. We had a guide who led the entire group of folks to some place in a forest, as far as I remember, and he said: "Dig here". I was so greedy to find and take as many as I could that when I put them into my jacket pockets, zippers tore off of a textile! ;] I"ve always had chakras mentioned above opened and I am channeling strongly so amethysts don"t influence me. Yet I can tell its energy strongly focuses, even pressures in the crown chakra and makes a connection with the heart chakra too. It helps envision a bigger picture of something you can"t see. For example, I have an impression that a piece of amethyst lets me "see" the entire geode it was disconnected from even when I"ve never seen it.
Amazonit - surowy - Madagaskar
Amazonite is called after the Amazon river due to its green color associated with a jungle. Varieties mined in Russia are equally "dotted" with green and whitish patterns, while those from Madagaskar (and not limited to) tend to be more green. Polished amazonite shows white-silvery strips. This stone is very helpful if you"re dealing with anger. Amazonite helps detach the brain from responding and reacting. It also gives a feel of freshness, new ideas, innocence. Amazonite triggers the heart and crown chakras, and also balances subtle bodies.
Bursztyn - surowy - Sumatra
Ambers are given a lot of healing attributes to begin with clearing electromagnetic pollution from the body of a wearer. Whether true or not, a piece of amber can actually produce static electricity when rubbed. Therefore I"m not a fan of it as I"ve too many electric charges in my energy field so it actually feels like it"s giving me even more rather than releasing them when touched. Amber is easily flammable so don"t heat it over the candle fire.
Angelit - bębnowany & surowy - both Peru
For a long time I couldn"t decide if I needed this one, specifically due to their rather high pricing. Anything sold as "dragon"s" or "angelic"s" seems to be a marketing hook which I avoid, but since I"m both an angel (seraph) and a dragon then I finally got a bębnowany angelite (anhydrite). At first it does nothing, dumb. Some gemstones need more time to interlace with our vibration that"s why I was aware and I let its energy work on its own. Then a day after the purchase I was reading something in the Internet, and I spontaneously held the angelite and aquamarine in the same hand (left, female) and then it came - an overwhelming BLISS! It started flowing (or covering me like a layer) into my skull, face, cheeks and arms causing such an incredible feel of peace and serenity. It hasn"t happened again since then but perhaps angelite may be such a one time gem to correct energy wiring in one of our subtle bodies or it let the Universe"s energy flow into my body thsurowy the crown chakra. This experience happened during one of those days with 5D energy in the air so the angelite obviously helped it root into me.
Antofylit - bębnowany - Rosja
This beauty comes from Kola Peninsula and is a mix of many minerals. Anthophyllite has inclusions of red garnet, labradorite, and also hawk"s and tiger"s eyes sometime. bębnowany/polished stones are comparable with astrophyllite and nuummite thanks to their shiny, blue, green, and/or yellow strips. It"s overall vibration is very high, often bringing pressure into the skull that"s why I make sure to keep it away from the bed, otherwise it could keep me awake. Anthophyllite has inclusions of asbestos, don"t make drinks with it and wash hands after using surowy pieces.
Apatyt - surowy - niebieski Madagaskar, zielony Tanzania
There are many "blue stones" but this blue variety of fluorapatite belongs to those most beautiful, to me. On the other hand, its vibration feels very low and I haven"t found a healing use for this one yet, unlike Jaspis or iolite. Green apatite"s vibration feels much more direct and it works with all chakras, however. It first opens the root and grounds it well with the earth chakra which is below feet. It"s also felt in the eyes, lips and, to a lesser degree, the solar plexus. The stone says "I want you to feel good, you"re abundant, relax". Its color as much as vibration is very similar to that of green aventurine thus I"m going to test it with a gardening business.
Akwamaryn - surowy & bębnowany - Brazylia
Aquamarine belongs to the beryl family (as much as ie. emerald) - precious and expensive gems. It has quite strong energy and works mostly for the head-related chakras - the throat, 3rd eye and crown. What they report about this mineral all over the Internet is true - it does help with releasing fluid retention and aligning subtle bodies. Its energy is soothing, dreamy, peaceful thus I find it one of the best stones to keep under a pillow at night. It relaxes and opens the 3rd eye to let you receive and project. Aquamarine helps detach from the material 3D reality. It also influences the heart chakra, opening it for a higher kind of love, self-love and acceptance. It teaches to see and understand a natural beauty everywhere.
Aragonit - surowy - Pakistan
Aragonite is offered for sale in forms of clusters, surowy and bębnowany pieces. Clusters draw attention as they reach their "arms" or "antennas" if you will, in every direction. surowy pieces offer a nice shine. bębnowany are best for the body massage and jewellery. Aragonite belongs to grounding stones which connect our Earth star chakra (below feet) to Gaia. It prevents from energy scattering and lets focus on living in own body rather than "hanging" above it (which is typical for all sensitive, angelic humans) - it reconnects the soul/spirit with the body. It"s a here and now stone which opens the heart, 3rd eye and crown chakras to let them receive good energies from the Universe. It"s a calming and protective stone too.
Astrofylit - bębnowany - Rosja
I was on a lookout for this stone for a while and whatever I found was just too expensive (belongs to rare minerals mined only in a few locations on Earth like Norway, Kanada or Russia). I finally bought a small bębnowany piece at a gem show as sellers often drop prices for such events. The strange thing happens to an astrophyllite when it"s polished - it gets really dark blue while strips are shiny blue and noticeable as much as in case of larvikites, labradorites or nuumites - rotate the gem until they shine ;). A surowy piece of the stone looks very different - there are dark red and dark green strips on a brighter rock which obviously also looks beautiful thus it"s worth of having both bębnowany and surowy pieces in a minerals collection. Vibrationally, it resonates with the heart chakra, the back of the skull, connects them with the solar and root chakras, opens the root and distributes energy from the top to the bottom, equalizing vibration in all chakras. It relaxes tension in the shoulders, expands the aura, strengthens subtle bodies, and distracts the mind from ordinary 3D things. I find its vibration similar to that of galaxite.
Awenturyn - zielony surowy & pomarańczowy bębnowany z Brazylii. Ostatnie foto - zielony z czerwonym w jednym.
Aventurine is a very popular mineral and belongs to a group of little expensive too. There are darker and lighter green varieties, I"ve picked up the greener one. You can also find aventurines of many colors on gem markets, so a collection can get a boost, as much as in case of grouping calcites, Jaspiss or obsidians. Yet its vibration doesn"t really touch me, perhaps because I"ve the heart chakra open wide and a green aventurine should just do that - remove the heart chakra blockages, give courage and boost expression. Yet I"ve found a different use for my aventurine. Some gem specialists recommend getting a citrine if you need money, success, abundance and basically, to unblock your income. In my case, the citrine does little to me but once I asked the green aventurine to help me sell several things on classifieds, there was a sudden rise of interest in my items. This stone lets one move on, break from anything conservative, useless, exploited, traditional, then encourages to make a change in any area of one"s life according to one"s heart"s desires. Aside of the most popular, cheapest green aventurines, you can also spot orange, red or even white types. Red and orange colors are said to stimulate energy of the root and sacral chakras and that"s how I feel my bębnowany orange aventurine, motivating me to "do something!" :)
Azuryt z malachitem - surowy - Maroko

Barite has a calming vibration while markasite as much as pyrite grounds an excess of "free-flying" energy in the body. This piece of barite with markasite gives a strong feeling of patience, slowing down and doing (or making if you are an artist) things solidly so they could last. It"s a grounding stone which closes chakras polluted with electromagnetic frequencies, and removes it from the body, which is especially felt in the heart, lungs, and the brain. It brings a calming feel of "all is well" to the brain specifically, so it would stop attaching to unresolved issues. Barite with markasite draws attention to art, original beauty and individuality. It also opens the 3rd eye chakra once all is cleaned and grounded in the body.
Bilińska kula surowa - Czechy

Bazalt surowy

Heliotrop bębnowany & surowy - Brazylia

Bloodstone is the name mostly used in English-speaking countries, though the same mineral is called heliotrope in Europe. It"s a dark green chalcedony which has very sharp edges (very easy to cut the skin!) but it"s good for polishing too. I"ve two types and I think the bębnowany one, even if smaller in size feels stronger in terms of energy. Red strips (or dots - inclusions of iron oxide) look like a splattered blood, thus the name. It belongs to the big chalcedony family (along with agat, aventurine, carnelian, chrysoprase and onyx). Judging by its vibration, the bloodstone is a fast working mineral to balance your blood pressure & circlulation, open lungs, thus basically make you feel good in the physical sense. It makes a perfect sense to buy a bębnowany, soap-like, flat stone which is good for the body massage.
Brazylianit surowy - Brazylia

It"s a yellow-green to pale yellow phosphate mineral found in Brazylia (Minas Gerais), hence the name, though it was also found in other countries such as Afryka, Australia, Chiny or even in France. The interesting part is that different elements are present in the mineral such as P, Al, Fe, Mn, Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Na, K, F, and Cl. It belongs to a group of newly discovered minerals dated for 1944.
Bronzyt - bębnowany - Afryka

This is a beautiful mineral (a variety of enstatite) which is used by jewelery makers very often. It matches gold or golden metals thanks to its brown, golden and yellowish shiny parts. It"s chosen by people who like peace and harmony. It has a calming, harmonius vibration of "I am safe" to let you re-collect your scattered energy, ground better and see a bigger picture of what you"re dealing with. Its brown color connects us to Gaia, and is a remedy for the lower body chakras which can ocassssionaly block digestion when imbalanced. Bronzite brings a feel of self-respect, improving own self-esteem - "I am worthy". Its vibration can be felt in the crown chakra, the nose/3rd eye area, and the solar plexus.
Oko byka - bębnowany - Afryka

There are at least 4 minerals marked with an "eye" word but 3 of these include shiny fibres of Crocidolite (a type of asbestos). Bull"s eye is the darker brown type, almost reddish with dark brown/black strips and is usually a heated tiger"s eye sold on gem markets. Tiger"s eye has a lighter brown-yellowish tones (see on "T" page). Hawk"s eye is a blue-brown one. Eagle eye has a silvery-blue sheen. Finally, a Cat"s eye is a completely different kind and it used to describe a gemstone polished in a form of a caboshon to have a shiny strip on its rounded, elevated side. Bull"s eye vibration is the same as that of the tiger"s (soothing, calming, "I am enough and I have enough" type), but because it"s darker, it brings a feel of opening the root and calming down the crown chakra too.

There"s usually quite a selection of calcites available on gem markets such as red calcite, brown, blue, green, yellow, orange, orchid, fire etc. Interestingly, most of them fit in the exact colors traditionally assigned to energy chakras :) These offer a variety of healing properties linked to said energy centers, but a common attribute of all is is that they stimulate the mind regardless the mineral"s natural color. Thus, orange and red calcites are great to ground and balance root, solar and sacral chakras; yellow increase"s the brain"s analytical skills to use that what the brain had been taught and stored so far, while brown re-aligns and activates both upper and lower chakras. Blue is an amazing choice if you want to feel calmness in your entire body, mind and soul, yet it makes an amazing helper for astral travelling, and works really fast! Example. I once felt really sleepy so I laid down and decided to put the blue calcite on my forehead/3rd eye. Soon, I started jumping between many timelines of my long forgotten past (this lifetime), literary experiencing everything just as I did back then, say in my teenage years. I was seeing unknown to me locations too. Finally, green calcite calms down the root chakra related to survival & tension, activates the 3rd eye, and rises vibration in the body from the root up towards the hear chakra. Calcites belong to a group of non-expensive gems therefore, they"re make for a great starter kit for any new collector who wants to try sensing a vibration of minerals, aside of just owning a few nice gems to look at.
Kalcyt - szpat islandski - surowy - Brazylia

Celestyn - geoda Madagaskar
Celestine is a heavy mineral and it grows in geodes just like amethysts and agats, but is much more expensive. Celestine works mainly with the upper chakras, rising vibration in the body, not to make you anxious but release your body from heavy attachments, high density of the 3D universe. Its energy works from up (star, crown, 3rd eye, mouth/jaw, heart chakras) then downwards the body (solar plexus, sacral, root, earth chakras), opening, aligning chakras and distributing higher vibration down. It makes a connection with higher realms, energies, beings of higher vibration, and the Universe overall. Celestine asks you for doing good things only, to detach from anything negative & ego - judgment, gossip, greed, negative thinking etc. Its energy is pure, happy, uplifting, refined, subtle, and directly concentrated around the crown and 3rd eye chakras.
Chalcedon - niebieska korona - bębnowany - pochodzenie?
Azuryt z malachitem - surowy - Maroko
Baryt z markasytem surowy - PolskaBarite has a calming vibration while markasite as much as pyrite grounds an excess of "free-flying" energy in the body. This piece of barite with markasite gives a strong feeling of patience, slowing down and doing (or making if you are an artist) things solidly so they could last. It"s a grounding stone which closes chakras polluted with electromagnetic frequencies, and removes it from the body, which is especially felt in the heart, lungs, and the brain. It brings a calming feel of "all is well" to the brain specifically, so it would stop attaching to unresolved issues. Barite with markasite draws attention to art, original beauty and individuality. It also opens the 3rd eye chakra once all is cleaned and grounded in the body.
Bilińska kula surowa - Czechy
Bazalt surowy
Heliotrop bębnowany & surowy - Brazylia
Bloodstone is the name mostly used in English-speaking countries, though the same mineral is called heliotrope in Europe. It"s a dark green chalcedony which has very sharp edges (very easy to cut the skin!) but it"s good for polishing too. I"ve two types and I think the bębnowany one, even if smaller in size feels stronger in terms of energy. Red strips (or dots - inclusions of iron oxide) look like a splattered blood, thus the name. It belongs to the big chalcedony family (along with agat, aventurine, carnelian, chrysoprase and onyx). Judging by its vibration, the bloodstone is a fast working mineral to balance your blood pressure & circlulation, open lungs, thus basically make you feel good in the physical sense. It makes a perfect sense to buy a bębnowany, soap-like, flat stone which is good for the body massage.
Brazylianit surowy - Brazylia
It"s a yellow-green to pale yellow phosphate mineral found in Brazylia (Minas Gerais), hence the name, though it was also found in other countries such as Afryka, Australia, Chiny or even in France. The interesting part is that different elements are present in the mineral such as P, Al, Fe, Mn, Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Na, K, F, and Cl. It belongs to a group of newly discovered minerals dated for 1944.
Bronzyt - bębnowany - Afryka
This is a beautiful mineral (a variety of enstatite) which is used by jewelery makers very often. It matches gold or golden metals thanks to its brown, golden and yellowish shiny parts. It"s chosen by people who like peace and harmony. It has a calming, harmonius vibration of "I am safe" to let you re-collect your scattered energy, ground better and see a bigger picture of what you"re dealing with. Its brown color connects us to Gaia, and is a remedy for the lower body chakras which can ocassssionaly block digestion when imbalanced. Bronzite brings a feel of self-respect, improving own self-esteem - "I am worthy". Its vibration can be felt in the crown chakra, the nose/3rd eye area, and the solar plexus.
Oko byka - bębnowany - Afryka
There are at least 4 minerals marked with an "eye" word but 3 of these include shiny fibres of Crocidolite (a type of asbestos). Bull"s eye is the darker brown type, almost reddish with dark brown/black strips and is usually a heated tiger"s eye sold on gem markets. Tiger"s eye has a lighter brown-yellowish tones (see on "T" page). Hawk"s eye is a blue-brown one. Eagle eye has a silvery-blue sheen. Finally, a Cat"s eye is a completely different kind and it used to describe a gemstone polished in a form of a caboshon to have a shiny strip on its rounded, elevated side. Bull"s eye vibration is the same as that of the tiger"s (soothing, calming, "I am enough and I have enough" type), but because it"s darker, it brings a feel of opening the root and calming down the crown chakra too.
Kalcyt - surowy - Meksyk Left to right: Brown calcite, Red calcite, Fire calcite, Green calcite, Light blue calcite, Sapphire calcite, Yellow calciteThere"s usually quite a selection of calcites available on gem markets such as red calcite, brown, blue, green, yellow, orange, orchid, fire etc. Interestingly, most of them fit in the exact colors traditionally assigned to energy chakras :) These offer a variety of healing properties linked to said energy centers, but a common attribute of all is is that they stimulate the mind regardless the mineral"s natural color. Thus, orange and red calcites are great to ground and balance root, solar and sacral chakras; yellow increase"s the brain"s analytical skills to use that what the brain had been taught and stored so far, while brown re-aligns and activates both upper and lower chakras. Blue is an amazing choice if you want to feel calmness in your entire body, mind and soul, yet it makes an amazing helper for astral travelling, and works really fast! Example. I once felt really sleepy so I laid down and decided to put the blue calcite on my forehead/3rd eye. Soon, I started jumping between many timelines of my long forgotten past (this lifetime), literary experiencing everything just as I did back then, say in my teenage years. I was seeing unknown to me locations too. Finally, green calcite calms down the root chakra related to survival & tension, activates the 3rd eye, and rises vibration in the body from the root up towards the hear chakra. Calcites belong to a group of non-expensive gems therefore, they"re make for a great starter kit for any new collector who wants to try sensing a vibration of minerals, aside of just owning a few nice gems to look at.
Kalcyt - szpat islandski - surowy - Brazylia
Celestyn - geoda Madagaskar
Celestine is a heavy mineral and it grows in geodes just like amethysts and agats, but is much more expensive. Celestine works mainly with the upper chakras, rising vibration in the body, not to make you anxious but release your body from heavy attachments, high density of the 3D universe. Its energy works from up (star, crown, 3rd eye, mouth/jaw, heart chakras) then downwards the body (solar plexus, sacral, root, earth chakras), opening, aligning chakras and distributing higher vibration down. It makes a connection with higher realms, energies, beings of higher vibration, and the Universe overall. Celestine asks you for doing good things only, to detach from anything negative & ego - judgment, gossip, greed, negative thinking etc. Its energy is pure, happy, uplifting, refined, subtle, and directly concentrated around the crown and 3rd eye chakras.
Chalcedon - niebieska korona - bębnowany - pochodzenie?
Chalkopiryt - surowy - Meksyk
This is one of my favourite minerals and one of the most powerful and fastest resonating too. It"s also called bornite, and peacock"s ore. You don"t want it bębnowany ;) The mineral is instantly recognizable: it"s quite heavy, and it has iridescent blue, violet or red inclusions however its original color is golden-yellow. Additional 3 colors appear thanks to tarnishing (discoloring when placed in certain environments). Chalcopyrite is a perfect gem to ground both your physical and spiritual energies, but it works very slowly and may need a few hours to bloom. It works like a scanner to "see thsurowy" your vibration then decrease or increase it in chakras which are imbalanced, starting from your crown chakra, then working down the body. It"s a very magical, shamanic stone which lest you tune in with elementals such as fairies, dragons, gnomes, sylphes, etc. and also have a taste of secret, underground treasures, or the dimension of Avalon overall. Chalcopyrite makes an impression as if it demands to be respected for all ancient wisdom and power it holds within. It boost creativity and materializes it by encouraging an artist to take action.
Chryzotyl - surowy
Chryzopraz - surowy - Szklary, Polska
Chrysoprase is a pride of Poland since the country doesn"t really have any stunningly looking & colorful minerals aside of this, amethysts and sphalerite. This piece was mined in Szklary, Poland which is the most common area where you can find them.
Chromodiopsyd - bębnowany - Rosja
This is a beautiful, and slowly working gem. They"re quite expensive if you"re looking for a clear, polished piece, but you can also get cheaper, less attractive "rocky" chunks. Its green color may suggest it works with the heart chakra but since it"s translucent like a crystal, it can also influence upper chakras. I"ve had it for a few months now and honestly, not even once I felt its vibration, perhaps because my heart chakra has no issues ;)
Chryzokola - surowy - duży Peru, mały Afryka.
I find the blue chrysocola one of the most soothing, calming, mind-detaching minerals in my collection. I"d even call it a 5D energy stone as it works just that, giving you a feel of "all is well" to pull you away of all that 3D"s survival worry. Chrysocola"s vibration makes you accept your individuality, run away from the collective, from the hive mind, stiff rules and regulations. If you"re a loner either by choice or events in your life, a chrysocola stone tells you to enjoy your loneliness, and that it"s your strenght within. It tells you that you are beautiful, you are enough, and you have enough. The stone wants you to be yourself, to ignore others" judgment. It also inspires fantasy, imagination and thus, brings quite "technical", complex, somewhat irritating, illogical dreams when put under a pillow. Chrysocola reflects energy of a place where it was mined, so if you follow its "memory" (knowing where your stone was mined), you may feel a specific environment of ie. Peru, or Afryka then travel astrally to such places. It"s a fast working mineral but its energy seems to be concentrating mostly on bottom chakras, relaxing muscle tension, helping digestion and soothing period"s cramps. Since it"s blue, it effects what, and how we express ourselves verbally.
Cytryn - bębnowany & surowy - Brazylia
Citrine makes me puzzled. It"s widely recommended for business, success and all those money related desires but... mine gem never worked. I asked gently, commanded, programmed - nothing. It"s a true citrine yet you can find many fake citrines which are heat treated amethysts, specifically druzy "citrines". Neverthless, it improves digestion (yellow = solar plexus) so it"s worth of having.
Róża chalcedonowa - surowa - Meksyk
Chistolit/cziastolit - bębnowany - Hiszpania

Chiastolite (a variety of andalusite) mined mostly in Spain cannot be unnoticed. Its characteristic black (graphite) cross spread from an edge to edge over a reddish surface and tiny, sparkling golden inclusions (andalusite) make it a great addition to one"s gem collection. Its vibration feels rather slow, but when it tunes into your body, it then rushes like a storm! It attaches to the heart chakra first, rising its vibration, stabilizing, removing anything negative. It then opens the sacral and root chakras, calms them down and brings positive energy there. Once it balances the bottom chakras, it focuses on the 3rd eye next letting your energy flow in the direction from the bottom to the top of the body. Chiastolite is a perfect stone if you struggle with an inner war between logic/feelings or the mind/heart. It will bring balance and harmony between these two. It"s a here and now stone similarily to an aragonite. It doesn"t make you feel sleepy, too grounded or detached, but rather well balanced within. It cleans the mind, straightens, clarifies thoughts. Button-like or ball-shaped bębnowany stones look the best with that kind of pattern which could be used for rings or pendants. surowy chiastolites with one side polished look even more intriguing, like some kind of primitive, medieval stamps. When still in a rock, they reasamble yellowish 4 petal-like flowers. In any case, getting a chiastolite is greatly recommended.
Czaroit - surowy i bębnowany - Syberia

This tiny 1 cm long piece cost me twice more than 5 cm long of any minerals on the list. It"s because charoite belongs to rare minerals which are found only in one location - Siberia, Russia. You can find 5kg chunks of these worth over $11.000. If and when the charoite vein is completely exploited, they will be worth even more, but so far no news like that circulate yet. Beware of buying cheap charoite beads though as they"re a mixture of something which is supposed to reassemble the stone. The same situation happens with so called "reconstructed" malachite beads. Ugly! surowy pieces are much cheaper as they fibers aren"t visible as much as on bębnowany gems, similarly to ie. tiger"s eye quartz or labradorite. This stone is the fastest calm bringer if you"re highly stressed out, or even scared.
Węgiel z pirytem - surowy - Poland

Pyrite often grows with coal so I instantly grabbed a piece once I saw its golden shine. You can also see tiny sedimentary layers of carbonated organic material on the other side. Does it do anything to me? Nope, as little as shungite.
Koral - surowy - a subtropical saltwater environment (I forgot to write down the location while buying it at a gemshow ;)

Punk is dead? Nah, coral is dead. Almost. These organic beauty is called Corallium rubrum which is almost extinct due to exploitation.

I feel daburite"s vibration first in the heart chakra, and it instantly calms down any tension, anxiety from this area, pulling it down towards the root chakra, opening it, then letting it pass into the Earth. It"s felt around lips and the solar plexus too. Danburite removes unhappiness, negativity from the body and mind.
Róża pustyni - surowy - długa Tunezja/Afryka, biała Meksyk, piaszczysta duża Algeria.
Beautiful flowery gypsum formations can be found on many deserts in Meksyk, Afryka and US. My first experience with this happened at a gemshow in June 2017 - once I touched a small piece, I felt a high vibrational energy rushing tsurowy me and rooting well. Desert roses from Meksyk tend to be ball-size, sometime glued together into a fantastic formation, and they have white edges. Those from Algeria have bigger "plates" and have a color of terracotta with sharper edges. Roses from Oklahoma look like made of a sandy marzipan - their "plates" are thick and they look like an opening flower. Mine is from Tunisia and has a typical sand color with grains of sand too. I like thinking that each "plate" is one of my many interests, from the very beginning of my existence thsurowyout all incarnations until now. If you"re a person who feels like an amalgam of passions, such a gypsum rose will please you thanks to its truly multi-dimensional shape. If your primal energy element is that of fire/sun, you may have a feeling you"ve sensed a reflection of yourself by touching the desert rose.
Dolomit - surowy - Polska
When my piece of dolomite arrived along with other minerals, it bsurowyt an amazing sense of calmness and serenity into my room. No other mineral of my collection worked that fast to literarilly seal the entire room against other energies, gracefully, peacefully and with happiness too. It was this feeling that I finally found the most needed gemstone to collaborate with my vibration which doesn"t make me feel anxious or tired. Dolomite doesn"t look anything fancy and isn"t rare too. Yet it feels very natural when assisting the human body and there"s no surprise for such a friendly welcome. Dolomite"s chemical composition includes calcium, magnesium, carbon and oxygen, so everything what the human body already has. Dolomite makes me vary happy and feels like the best match for my deeply balanced soul.
Dumortieryt - surowy i bębnowany - Meksyk
Dumortierite (and I"m taking surowy stones here) demands a total focus from a user. It"s an amazing mineral for any analytical activites, whether down to earth or spiritual! It does feel as if coming from another world thanks to its "alien" feel. There"s cool, detached vibration in it. Its focus on a crown and star chakras is very dominant, that it feels as if it was squeezing all your upper energy into a tight stream up there. I call it a "think differently" gemstone, as it also inspires original thinking and allows for seeing a broader perspective of a topic. Dumortierite helps one"s energy self-centering and stirs the 3rd eye chakra to see thsurowy. One of the first stones in my collection and all-time favourite too.
Epidot - kryształ

Szmaragd - bębnowany & surowy - Brazylia
Róża chalcedonowa - surowa - Meksyk
Chistolit/cziastolit - bębnowany - Hiszpania
Chiastolite (a variety of andalusite) mined mostly in Spain cannot be unnoticed. Its characteristic black (graphite) cross spread from an edge to edge over a reddish surface and tiny, sparkling golden inclusions (andalusite) make it a great addition to one"s gem collection. Its vibration feels rather slow, but when it tunes into your body, it then rushes like a storm! It attaches to the heart chakra first, rising its vibration, stabilizing, removing anything negative. It then opens the sacral and root chakras, calms them down and brings positive energy there. Once it balances the bottom chakras, it focuses on the 3rd eye next letting your energy flow in the direction from the bottom to the top of the body. Chiastolite is a perfect stone if you struggle with an inner war between logic/feelings or the mind/heart. It will bring balance and harmony between these two. It"s a here and now stone similarily to an aragonite. It doesn"t make you feel sleepy, too grounded or detached, but rather well balanced within. It cleans the mind, straightens, clarifies thoughts. Button-like or ball-shaped bębnowany stones look the best with that kind of pattern which could be used for rings or pendants. surowy chiastolites with one side polished look even more intriguing, like some kind of primitive, medieval stamps. When still in a rock, they reasamble yellowish 4 petal-like flowers. In any case, getting a chiastolite is greatly recommended.
Czaroit - surowy i bębnowany - Syberia
This tiny 1 cm long piece cost me twice more than 5 cm long of any minerals on the list. It"s because charoite belongs to rare minerals which are found only in one location - Siberia, Russia. You can find 5kg chunks of these worth over $11.000. If and when the charoite vein is completely exploited, they will be worth even more, but so far no news like that circulate yet. Beware of buying cheap charoite beads though as they"re a mixture of something which is supposed to reassemble the stone. The same situation happens with so called "reconstructed" malachite beads. Ugly! surowy pieces are much cheaper as they fibers aren"t visible as much as on bębnowany gems, similarly to ie. tiger"s eye quartz or labradorite. This stone is the fastest calm bringer if you"re highly stressed out, or even scared.
Węgiel z pirytem - surowy - Poland
Pyrite often grows with coal so I instantly grabbed a piece once I saw its golden shine. You can also see tiny sedimentary layers of carbonated organic material on the other side. Does it do anything to me? Nope, as little as shungite.
Koral - surowy - a subtropical saltwater environment (I forgot to write down the location while buying it at a gemshow ;)
Punk is dead? Nah, coral is dead. Almost. These organic beauty is called Corallium rubrum which is almost extinct due to exploitation.
Danburyt - surowy - TanzaniaI feel daburite"s vibration first in the heart chakra, and it instantly calms down any tension, anxiety from this area, pulling it down towards the root chakra, opening it, then letting it pass into the Earth. It"s felt around lips and the solar plexus too. Danburite removes unhappiness, negativity from the body and mind.
Róża pustyni - surowy - długa Tunezja/Afryka, biała Meksyk, piaszczysta duża Algeria.
Beautiful flowery gypsum formations can be found on many deserts in Meksyk, Afryka and US. My first experience with this happened at a gemshow in June 2017 - once I touched a small piece, I felt a high vibrational energy rushing tsurowy me and rooting well. Desert roses from Meksyk tend to be ball-size, sometime glued together into a fantastic formation, and they have white edges. Those from Algeria have bigger "plates" and have a color of terracotta with sharper edges. Roses from Oklahoma look like made of a sandy marzipan - their "plates" are thick and they look like an opening flower. Mine is from Tunisia and has a typical sand color with grains of sand too. I like thinking that each "plate" is one of my many interests, from the very beginning of my existence thsurowyout all incarnations until now. If you"re a person who feels like an amalgam of passions, such a gypsum rose will please you thanks to its truly multi-dimensional shape. If your primal energy element is that of fire/sun, you may have a feeling you"ve sensed a reflection of yourself by touching the desert rose.
Dolomit - surowy - Polska
When my piece of dolomite arrived along with other minerals, it bsurowyt an amazing sense of calmness and serenity into my room. No other mineral of my collection worked that fast to literarilly seal the entire room against other energies, gracefully, peacefully and with happiness too. It was this feeling that I finally found the most needed gemstone to collaborate with my vibration which doesn"t make me feel anxious or tired. Dolomite doesn"t look anything fancy and isn"t rare too. Yet it feels very natural when assisting the human body and there"s no surprise for such a friendly welcome. Dolomite"s chemical composition includes calcium, magnesium, carbon and oxygen, so everything what the human body already has. Dolomite makes me vary happy and feels like the best match for my deeply balanced soul.
Dumortieryt - surowy i bębnowany - Meksyk
Dumortierite (and I"m taking surowy stones here) demands a total focus from a user. It"s an amazing mineral for any analytical activites, whether down to earth or spiritual! It does feel as if coming from another world thanks to its "alien" feel. There"s cool, detached vibration in it. Its focus on a crown and star chakras is very dominant, that it feels as if it was squeezing all your upper energy into a tight stream up there. I call it a "think differently" gemstone, as it also inspires original thinking and allows for seeing a broader perspective of a topic. Dumortierite helps one"s energy self-centering and stirs the 3rd eye chakra to see thsurowy. One of the first stones in my collection and all-time favourite too.
Eosit - surowy
Szmaragd - bębnowany & surowy - Brazylia
Emerald is a strange beast. At first it does nothing, as if it was dormant. Then, depending on your heart"s energy (chaotic or static), it"ll calm down not only the heart but the sacral and root chakras too. If there are too many spiritual energies attached to your subtle bodies (the emotional body specifically), an emerald will seal leaks and align them. It has a watery, goddess" vibration making one feel good in own body. Emerald can also help sleeping if put under a pillow.
Krzemień Czarny, Pasiasty - surowy - Polandtext
Fluoryt - kryształ & surowy - Chiny
Fluorite crystal"s energy is the very opposite to emerald"s mentioned above. It"s a crystal of focus, and attention, very much like dumortierite and most of clear crystals too. I"ve a green crystal but you can find them in other colors too (such as blue, purple). The green fluorite additionally brings joy to the heart, gives a feeling of hope and clears the brain from fear-based experiences which stop one against making a change or trying again once lesson is learnt. It"s a crystal which helps those who mastered their spiritual skills to access higher dimensions and detach from a mundane 3D life. It cleans the aura around the body. Finally its octahedron shape with distinct edges are what fingers love.
Fuchsyt - surowy Brazylia, bębnowany z rubinem Indie
Green fuchsite relaxes back and chest muscles, soothes the 3rd eye (that non stop active radar if you have one), and the root chakras. If you"re angry, fuchsite will pull it down to ground into the Earth. I also got an impression that it works like an energy mirror so you can feel your own vibration once reflected by the stone. Fuchsite with ruby opens the root, sacral, solar plexus, and crown chakras. It brings a sense of patience, but also opens the 3rd eye, soothes the brain, detaches it from unsolved problems/puzzles, making it focus on the here and now. It doesn"t want the brain dig into the unknown, but rather rely on what it"s sure about. I could also feel its energy on the back & shoulders, as if soothing a place where we, angelic beings, used to have wings. It grounds a little bit too.
Galaksyt (mikro-labradoryt) - bębnowany - KanadaGalaxite is also called a micro-labradorite since there"s already a different mineral given the galaxite name (and it is a variety of spinel while micro-labradorite apperantly is not). The stone detaches from here and now, makes the brain & body slow and a bit sleepy. It initially soothes the 3rd eye and crown chakras. Galaxite works as if it was re-charging the crown chakra and making the body slow and sleepy, putting it in the best state to begin channeling messages from higher dimensions. I can only feel its vibration on the left side of my face and the left temple.
Granat - surowy Brazylia, kryształ Maroko, zielony (tsavoryt) Tanzania
Garnet allows for a courageous self-expression, for feeling stable and grounded. Red garnet connects the heart, solar plexus and sacral chakras together. It helps to re-connect with own I AM being - the highest version of the self. It also gives stamina and healthy sexual energy as well which is transmuted thsurowy the heart and radiated into the environment.
Galena (ruda ołowiu) - surowy - Polska

Galena is a very heavy mineral, and thus perfect for grounding. It removes pollution from the body, especially that soaked from mobile phones, and WiFi thus it makes a perfect sense to put it on the desk where you work with your computer. It calms the root chakra to tell that no more fight for survival is necessary now, that everything is OK, solved. It has a good impact for digestion, and can be also felt in the crown chakra making a bit of a pressure up there.
Gnejs łupkowy - surowy - Polska

Galena (ruda ołowiu) - surowy - Polska
Galena is a very heavy mineral, and thus perfect for grounding. It removes pollution from the body, especially that soaked from mobile phones, and WiFi thus it makes a perfect sense to put it on the desk where you work with your computer. It calms the root chakra to tell that no more fight for survival is necessary now, that everything is OK, solved. It has a good impact for digestion, and can be also felt in the crown chakra making a bit of a pressure up there.
Gnejs łupkowy - surowy - Polska
Hematyt - surowy - ?Hematite is a gift from the nature - it"s an iron ore (iron oxide). Not only does it ground the energy in the body but also improves the blood circulation (lowers high and rises low blood pressure) and cleans blood from anything what shouldn"t be there for the best flow. It helps breathing, relaxes muscles, opens the root chakra, soothes the 3rd eye"s "channeling" activity then allows the brain for clear thinking, and even improves own"s self-esteem. No wonder it"s such a popular stone all over the world (lots of jewellery is made with a use of hematite beads) but also surowy hematite can also look beautiful (like my piece!). If you try to draw a line with hematite, it should leave a reddish streak, this way you know you have gotten a non-synthetic mineral. Because it contains iron, it should be kept away from water. Hematite doesn"t need to be discharged unlike most of other minerals and gems, what"s more it re-charges other minerals when put next to them. Hematite likes sunshine however. Some specimens can contain magnetite and thus they can attract a magnet. Hematite can be found in a tiger eye and also appears with Jaspis (so called mugglestone, tiger iron or professionally, a banded iron formation - BIF). A special variety/formation of hematite is called a "kidney ore" (Polish name is probably more fitting based on the formation"s look - "glass heads") which has bubble-like surface. Finally, hematite is abundant but not exclusive to Earth. It was found also in samples taken from Mars thus our neighbour is called the Red Planet.
Oko sokoła - bębnowany - Afryka

Hawk"s eye often appears with a tiger"s eye. It"s easily recognizable thanks to its blue fibers which look best when polished. Hawk"s eye opens and stabilizes the solar plexus and root chakras, which is obviously helpful for the digestive system.
Diament Herkimera - surowy - Maroko

It"s not actually a diamond but a variety of quartz. It"s "diamond" reference comes from the fact the crystals are double terminated. The original gems come from Herkimer County, NY, US where they were first discovered in large quantities. Similar crystals are mined in Maroko.
Hiddenit - surowy - Afganistan

Hiddenite (on the left) is a green variety of spodumen (kunzite is pink). Its clear, high vibration soothes a tired, stressed out heart and allows a person to see and accept one"s personal worth.
Howlit - bębnowany - USA
Oko sokoła - bębnowany - Afryka
Hawk"s eye often appears with a tiger"s eye. It"s easily recognizable thanks to its blue fibers which look best when polished. Hawk"s eye opens and stabilizes the solar plexus and root chakras, which is obviously helpful for the digestive system.
Diament Herkimera - surowy - Maroko
It"s not actually a diamond but a variety of quartz. It"s "diamond" reference comes from the fact the crystals are double terminated. The original gems come from Herkimer County, NY, US where they were first discovered in large quantities. Similar crystals are mined in Maroko.
Hiddenit - surowy - Afganistan
Hiddenite (on the left) is a green variety of spodumen (kunzite is pink). Its clear, high vibration soothes a tired, stressed out heart and allows a person to see and accept one"s personal worth.
Howlit - bębnowany - USA
Blue howlite is dyed to reassemble a turquoise.

Indygo gabro pod wodą (z purpurytem):
Indigo gabbro"s vibration remains a mystery to me. Once it feels "heavy", "tired", the other day it gives no energy. It"s like living in a constant self-protective mode, behind an invisible wall. I love how it looks in water however, when its violet parts visually soften and "golden" inclusions start shining better on the dark background. Gabbro contains chromium, nickel, cobalt, gold, silver, platinum, and copper sulfides. Yet it"s a common rock which forms when molten magma is trapped beneath the Earth"s surface. The trick is that it rather doesn"t come with violet parts on regular basis and thus the indigo gabbro it"s quite exclusive to Madagaskar. There are people who claim how strongly the stone made their fingers feel upon touching it but it might be well that nickel inclusion which some people"s skin is allergic to.
Iolit - bębnowany - Madagaskar
Iolite quickly opens the crown & star chakras to let the Universe deliver its messages. It feels as if equalizing channels to send and receive info in spirit. It calms that above the head "radar" (related to the crown & 3rd eye chakras) most of empaths have which lets us channel energy around. It is useful in meditations and dreaming as it detaches the mind from here and now, allowing the soul for an astral travel.

Jaspis brekcja - różowy i czerwony - bębnowany - Brazylia

Indygo gabro - surowy - MadagaskarIndygo gabro pod wodą (z purpurytem):
Indigo gabbro"s vibration remains a mystery to me. Once it feels "heavy", "tired", the other day it gives no energy. It"s like living in a constant self-protective mode, behind an invisible wall. I love how it looks in water however, when its violet parts visually soften and "golden" inclusions start shining better on the dark background. Gabbro contains chromium, nickel, cobalt, gold, silver, platinum, and copper sulfides. Yet it"s a common rock which forms when molten magma is trapped beneath the Earth"s surface. The trick is that it rather doesn"t come with violet parts on regular basis and thus the indigo gabbro it"s quite exclusive to Madagaskar. There are people who claim how strongly the stone made their fingers feel upon touching it but it might be well that nickel inclusion which some people"s skin is allergic to.
Iolit - bębnowany - Madagaskar
Iolite quickly opens the crown & star chakras to let the Universe deliver its messages. It feels as if equalizing channels to send and receive info in spirit. It calms that above the head "radar" (related to the crown & 3rd eye chakras) most of empaths have which lets us channel energy around. It is useful in meditations and dreaming as it detaches the mind from here and now, allowing the soul for an astral travel.
Jadeit (po prawej) - bębnowany - Chinytext
Jaspis brekcja - różowy i czerwony - bębnowany - Brazylia
Brecciated Jaspers are very high energy stones since they"re a mix of many. They also offer amazing patterns.
Jaspis brekcja - surowy - Brazylia

Wet stone in the picture. I couldn"t have noticed this Jaspis in a shop thanks to its shades of red which also come with many details laid on the surface.
Wiecej jaspisów!:
Jaspis brekcja różowy z pirytem - bębnowany - Meksyk
I couldn"t have noticed this Jaspis at an online store however, initially, I meant to buy it as a content for one of wooden gemboxes I make. When I finally had a close look at it when it arrived, I instantly felt a heart connection - the Jaspis was screaming to me - "You"re not selling me to anybody! I"m such a beauty! I"m one and only, so I must stay with you!" And so I"ve kept it. It"s a truly majestic piece of nature"s abstract art, yet the addition of pyrite dots makes it complete.
Jaspis leopardzi - bębnowany - Meksyk
Jaspis różowy, brekcjowany - bębnowany - probably Brazylia
Jaspis unakit - surowy - Afryka Unakite"s colors and patterns make it one of the most recognizable minerals, especially bębnowany stones are often used in jewellery making. It"s thanks to their orange/pinkish and green colors which make a harmonious contrast together, like orange flowers growing in grass.
Jaspis ryolit orbikularny - surowy - Meksyk I got it thanks to a seller"s mistake and I kept it since they said that maybe it wasn"t such a wrong pick, and in fact the stone desired to go to me. So far I haven"t found a use for it however, yet maybe somebody can tumble it for me one day.
Jaspis obrazkowy/pejzażowy - bębnowany - pochodzenie?
Jaspis brekcja - surowy - Brazylia
Wet stone in the picture. I couldn"t have noticed this Jaspis in a shop thanks to its shades of red which also come with many details laid on the surface.
Wiecej jaspisów!:
Jaspis brekcja różowy z pirytem - bębnowany - Meksyk
I couldn"t have noticed this Jaspis at an online store however, initially, I meant to buy it as a content for one of wooden gemboxes I make. When I finally had a close look at it when it arrived, I instantly felt a heart connection - the Jaspis was screaming to me - "You"re not selling me to anybody! I"m such a beauty! I"m one and only, so I must stay with you!" And so I"ve kept it. It"s a truly majestic piece of nature"s abstract art, yet the addition of pyrite dots makes it complete.
Jaspis leopardzi - bębnowany - Meksyk
Jaspis różowy, brekcjowany - bębnowany - probably Brazylia
Jaspis unakit - surowy - Afryka Unakite"s colors and patterns make it one of the most recognizable minerals, especially bębnowany stones are often used in jewellery making. It"s thanks to their orange/pinkish and green colors which make a harmonious contrast together, like orange flowers growing in grass.
Jaspis ryolit orbikularny - surowy - Meksyk I got it thanks to a seller"s mistake and I kept it since they said that maybe it wasn"t such a wrong pick, and in fact the stone desired to go to me. So far I haven"t found a use for it however, yet maybe somebody can tumble it for me one day.
Jaspis obrazkowy/pejzażowy - bębnowany - pochodzenie?
Nature can paint and it"s obvious when you have a look at these Jaspiss. They offer ready-made paintings, usually showing landscapes (fields, hills, waves, trees etc) or aerial views as if you looked down from a plane.
Jaspis żółty - bębnowany - Brazylia
Jaspis z hematytem - bębnowany - pochodzenie?
Jaspis kambaba - bębnowany Meksyk, surowy Madagaskar
These are said to include billion years old algae. I"d happily spare an entire shelf for kambabas only, both polished and surowy! Each is different, and their deep green eyes give them a feel of a jungle shaman. In fact, this stone smartly scans your aura and chakras, then seals leaks. One of the best grounding stones aside of tourmaline and one which connects us with the nature on a very deep level. You can underline some surowy stones" color if you wet them with water. It also applies to Jaspis kambaba which "eyes" will get very dark & spooky, until the stone dries.
Jaspis smocza krew - bębnowany - Afryka
So called Dragon"s Blood is a mix of green epidote and red Jaspis. It"s a perfect stone for a bloated belly, and any other digestive imbalance, and is a fast working stone too.
Jaspis czerwony bębnowany & surowy - Brazylia
If you wish to make a starter gem collection, Jaspiss will do. There are many varieties of this chalcedony & quartz mix, offering stable, fast working energies supported by beautiful patterns & colors. Red Jaspis is very attractive thanks to its rich red color, obviously benefiting when the stone is polished/bębnowany. Yet I find surowy red Jaspiss" vibration stronger.
Jaspis mokait/mookait - surowy i bębnowany - Australia

Mookaite can be mostly found in Australia (but also in US), but it strangely hasn"t become as expensive as rare location stones kind of moldavites or charoites. It should have been the Aboriginal "gold" sold exclusively by outback communities! It"s a self-centering stone which brings your energies back to you, gives protection, a focus on the physical body, strength, living in the present moment, warming the heart too. It also connects & stabilizes vibration of the heart, solar plexus and root chakras for a greater inner balance. I absolutely adore these but get a polished one if you need a Reiki massage, because surowy jaspis come with very sharp edges.
Jaspis polichromowy - bębnowany - Madagaskar
Jaspis chita (chytha) - bębnowany - pochodzenie?

Jaspis perliczka - bębnowany - pochodzenie?

Jaspis dalmatyńczyk - bębnowany - pochodzenie?

Jet (gagat) - bębnowany - Chiny

Jet (also called gagat in some counties) is an organic fossil, a precursor to coal. It is very light and easy to break, thus it often gets bębnowany to preserve it as a gemstone. Tumbling gives the jet a bit purple/brownish luster, similiar to that of polished shungite. The bębnowany surface may also have imperfections. Pieces of bębnowany jet are also very light which makes them different to heavier agats dyed black then sold as onyx.
Jaspis smocza krew - bębnowany - Afryka
So called Dragon"s Blood is a mix of green epidote and red Jaspis. It"s a perfect stone for a bloated belly, and any other digestive imbalance, and is a fast working stone too.
Jaspis czerwony bębnowany & surowy - Brazylia
If you wish to make a starter gem collection, Jaspiss will do. There are many varieties of this chalcedony & quartz mix, offering stable, fast working energies supported by beautiful patterns & colors. Red Jaspis is very attractive thanks to its rich red color, obviously benefiting when the stone is polished/bębnowany. Yet I find surowy red Jaspiss" vibration stronger.
Jaspis mokait/mookait - surowy i bębnowany - Australia
Mookaite can be mostly found in Australia (but also in US), but it strangely hasn"t become as expensive as rare location stones kind of moldavites or charoites. It should have been the Aboriginal "gold" sold exclusively by outback communities! It"s a self-centering stone which brings your energies back to you, gives protection, a focus on the physical body, strength, living in the present moment, warming the heart too. It also connects & stabilizes vibration of the heart, solar plexus and root chakras for a greater inner balance. I absolutely adore these but get a polished one if you need a Reiki massage, because surowy jaspis come with very sharp edges.
Jaspis polichromowy - bębnowany - Madagaskar
Jaspis chita (chytha) - bębnowany - pochodzenie?
Jaspis perliczka - bębnowany - pochodzenie?
Jaspis dalmatyńczyk - bębnowany - pochodzenie?
Jet (gagat) - bębnowany - Chiny
Jet (also called gagat in some counties) is an organic fossil, a precursor to coal. It is very light and easy to break, thus it often gets bębnowany to preserve it as a gemstone. Tumbling gives the jet a bit purple/brownish luster, similiar to that of polished shungite. The bębnowany surface may also have imperfections. Pieces of bębnowany jet are also very light which makes them different to heavier agats dyed black then sold as onyx.
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